Jakarta, KabarBerita.id — Posisi : 1. Analyst Contract Finance
Job Roles, Task & Responsibilities:
- Providing contract financial calculation with regard to monthly contract revenue recognition, monthly forecast and annual budget according to standard corporate accounting principle.
- Ensure projection of each contract equipment in AMT is periodically reviewed and updated accordingly.
- Ensuring integrity and reliability of actual data in AMT by reconciling with SAP.
- Ensuring all key relevant elements of contracts are in compliance with audit requirement.
- Conduct contract financial performance analysis in order to provide a recommendation with regard to revenue, margin, customer advance and risk.
- Provide comprehensive analysis and review on the overall contract financial performance.
- Provide comprehensive financial analysis with what-if scenarios to support commercial decisions made by Management in the event the contract is terminated early, or the Customer requests a change in price.
- Bachelor’s Degree (or Equivalent Experience 3 Years experience in Accounting or Finance or Contract or Equipment Management)
- Comprehending Business Company, Equipment Management & Understanding of contract management processes and legal aspect
- Business English
- Outstanding with Ms. Excel
- Good with SQL
2. Technician
- Analyze and conduct repair and maintenance of various problem on engine/power train/hydraulic system/fuel system/auto electrical.
- Analyze and conduct troubleshooting on any operations faults or damage occurred to engine/power train/ hydraulic system/fuel system/auto electrical according to service manual.
- Min Diploma (D3) Degree in Mechanical Engineering or Heavy Equipment Engineering
- Min 3 years as Mechanic or Heavy Equipment Technician
Beware of job scams on behalf ot PT Trakindo Utama. We will NEVER ask for payment to process document, refer you to a third party to process applications or travels, or ask you to PAY costs. We will reach you through our official email only (domain: @trakindo.co.id)