Jakarta, KabarBerita.id — Posisi : 1. Safety Officer Staff
1. Male
2. Age minimum 22 – 29 years old
3. Able speak English is preferred
4. Have certified AK3U from Kemenaker RI
5. At least 2 years of working experience in the related field is required for this position
6. Experience in Japanese Manufacture Automotive Industry will be an advantage
7. D3/S1 majoring in Occupational Health and Safety / Environmental Engineering from reputable university
8. Required skill & understand: SMK3, JSA, CSMS, and Analytical about safety, etc
9. Actively promote awareness to ensure all employce about safety activity
10. Routine inspection of impacts and hazards in the work carried out
11. Identify and map potential hazards that may occur in the work environment
12. Ensuring, checking and conducting monthly inspections regarding the eligibility and availability of PPE and work safety equipment such as fire extinguishers, first aid, ctc
13. Like to do improvement as open mind, strong analytical, and good communication.
14. Good in administration operational such as: Ms. Excel, Ms. Word, PPT, etc
15. Willing to be placed in Industrial Estate MM2100, Cikarang – Bekasi.
2. Leader Injection
1. Laki-laki.
2. Usia antara 27 – 32 tahun.
3. D3/S1 dari universitas terkemuka.
4. Memiliki kemampuan bahasa Inggris (aktif), dan bahasa Jepang (Lebih diutamakan)
5. Diutamakan memiliki sertifikasi dalam tes kecakapan Bahasa Jepang (Min. JLPT — N3)
6. Diutamakan memiliki pengalaman di Industri Otomotif Jepang.
7. Memiliki pengalaman dibidang Injection minimal 3 tahun sesuai bidangnya.
8. Memahami Toyota Production Systems (TPS) dan dapat mengontrol sistem kanban.
9. Memahami tentang 7 tools, PDCA, ISO 14001:2015, dan ISO 9001:2015.
10. Bertanggung jawab terhadap keberlangsungan proses produksi dan membuat laporan harian produksi.
11. Mampu menggunakan alat ukur dan melakukan kegiatan kaizen (/mprovement).
12. Bertanggung jawab dalam pengadaaan stok dan pengiriman produk yang lancar dan mengatur Manpower.
13. Bertanggung jawab dalam pencegahan, penanganan, dan analisa NG, terutama dalam hal penanganan masalah di line Mesin Injection maupun diluar line.
14. Mampu mengoperasikan komputer sebagai administrasi seperti : Ms. Excel, Ms. Word, PPT, dsb
15. Siap ditempatkan di Kawasan Industri MM2100, Cikarang – Bekasi.
3. Sales Jr. Staff
1. Male
2. Age below 35 years old.
3. D3/S1 from reputable university.
4. Can speak and read Japanese language is preferred.
5. Have certified in Japanese language proftciency test (JLPT – Min. N3).
6. Experience in Japanese Manufacture Automotive Industry will be an advantage.
7. At least 2-3 years of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
8. Understand about export – import and administration much better.
9. Understand ISO 9001:2015 about Quality Management Systems.
10. Maintain customer activity and administration for project and regular.
11. Like to do improvement as open mind, strong analytical, and good communication.
12. Hard worker, team work, highly motivated, can work under pressure and fast learning.
13. Good in administration operational such as: Ms. Excel, Ms. Word, PPT, etc
14. Willing to be placed in Industrial Estate MM2100, Cikarang – Bekasi.
Send your CV and application to :
[email protected] / [email protected]
Subject: Safety Officert Staff (Position 1)
Leader Injection (Position 2)
Sales Staff (Position 3)
*Please submit your registration before January 25th, 2023