Jakarta, KabarBerita.id — Posisi : 1. Pipeline Maintenance Supervisor (Tender)
Minimum D4/S1 and have 3 years experienced in similar supervisor position, or minimum D3 and have 5 years experienced in similar supervisor position, or minimum senior high school and have 7 years experienced in similar supervisor position in one or several company, maximum 58 years old until contract ends;
Minimum has 5 years experience in Pipeline maintenance;
Has attended :
P-igging operations training,
Flange management training and
Valve maintenance training, proved by certificate or attendance list or equivalent document.
2. Project Process Safety Engineer (Tender)
Memiliki minimal gelar Sarjana Teknik Kimia
Sekurang – kurangnya memiliki lima (5) tahun pengalaman yang berlaku dalam desain dan konstruksi fasilitas produksi migas
Sedikitnya 10 (sepuluh) tahun pengalaman desain proses / tinjauan keselamatan proses / pekerjaan-pekerjaan HAZOP/PHA / pengalaman simulasi / kompresi dan sistem-sistem pengolahan gas / hidrolik-hidrolik pipa alir / penyiapan PFD, UFD, P&ID / Bagan SAFE / studi-studi utilitas termasuk Flare & Blow Down, dll.
3. Contract Engineer (Tender)
Memiliki minimum Gelar Sarjana Teknik
Memiliki sedikitnya 10 (sepuluh) tahun pengalaman sebagai contract engineer
Sekurang-kurangnya 5 (lima) tahun dibidang industri Migas
4. Safety Standby (Project)
Pendidikan Minimum D3 (diutamakan bidang Safety) atau SMA sederajat dengan minimum pengalaman 5 tahun dibidang yang sama.
Memiliki Sertifkasi K3 Migas lebih diutamakan.
Memahami Peraturan dan standar keselamatan pada bidang Migas.
Memiliki latar belakang yang kuat dalam sertifikasi dan standar keselamatan seperti, OSHA (Occupational
Safety and Health Administration), NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) dan Peraturan perundangan-undangan mengenai K3 dan Lingkungan.
Memiliki pengetahuan dan pengalaman dalam mengembangkan juga menerapkan K3 dan Lingkungan.
Mampu berkomunikasi menggunakan bahasa Inggris dengan lancar baik lisan dan tulisan.
Memiliki pengetahuan dasar pemadaman api.
Memiliki pengetahuan dasar penanganan material secara aman, dasar keamanan Hidrokarbon, bahaya dan keamanan bahan kimia, mengetahui kategori limbah termasuk penanganan dan pengolahan, penanganan bahan kimia dan penyimpanan.
Memiliki Pengatahuan tentang prinsip dasar LOTO, bahaya STF, memahami peraturan K3.
Memiliki pengetahuan dasar tentang ruang terbatas dan bekerja pada ketinggian
Bisa dan mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik.
Dapat bergabung secepatnya.
Penempatan Muba (Musi Banyuasin), Sumatera Selatan.
5. HSE Trainer (Project)
Minimal pendidikan S1 dari Universitas terkemuka, lebih disukai jurusan Teknik atau K3.
Memiliki pengetahuan yang baik mengenai HSE & Eksplorasi Minyak/gas & kegiatan produksi minyak/gas.
Memahami kebijakan perusahaan dan peraturan pemerintah.
Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang mahir & Service Excellence.
Memiliki keahlian presentasi yang mahir.
Berorientasi pada hasil.
Mahir dalam berbahasa inggris. (komunikasi dan menulis)
Memiliki skill interpersonal yang baik, fleksibilitas dalam konsultasi, dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik dengan grup dan segala level yang berbeda.
Memiliki skill teamwork yang baik.
Memiliki komitmen yang tinggi.
Mahir menggunakan Microsoft Office.
Penempatan Muba (Musi Banyuasin), Sumatera Selatan.
6. Reservoir Engineer (Project)
Hold a Bachelor’s degree in Engineering, Geoscience, or similar fields
Minimum 2 years of working experience in developing geothermal reservoir projects and managing reservoir simulation models
Knowledgeable with oil, gas, and steam field operations and experienced in analysis of production data
Experience conducting reservoir engineering analysis and working with applications
Experience with reservoir simulation modeling and data management,
Ability to work collaboratively within an interdisciplinary teams, excellent oral and written communication,
and organizational skills
Knowledge of industry standards and regulations
Fluency in English and Bahasa Indonesia
7. Senior Well Testing Engineer (Project)
Minimum 8 years experience as well testing engineer and minimum 3 years for offshore wells/geothermal,
Experience for remote site design, planning and execution and operation on jack up rigs and platforms.
Experience in design, planning and execution for well testing/clean up by reducing CO2 emissions (green completion) especially in jack up rigs and platforms.
Experience for design, planning and execution for well testing/clean up with gas flow rates up to 100 mmscfd.
Have extensive knowledge and experience technically/operationally to be used in Control of work and its implementation for intervention work on rigs/platforms, especially offshore operations
8. Lifting Coach / Lifting Expert (Project)
Shall be Indonesian Nationality
Bachelor Degree with at least 3 years and diploma 3 with at least 5 years directly involve in hands on lifting equipments operations
Qualified and certified as trainer from local or international training provider (TOT)
Qualified and certified as cranes inspector
Qualified and certified basic ringging and advanced ringging training
Experience or evidence of familiarity with developing lifting plan, risk assesment and communicating an integrated execution of safe lifting operations
Familiarity with cranes and lifting equipment operations safety
A good command of both oral and written in english
Willing to work in remote location, including NUI
Computer literate especially MS project, word and excel
Domicile in Jabodetabek / West Java
9. Senior Drilling Engineer (Project)
At least a Bachelor degree in Drilling Engineering or a related discipline
Having a minimum basic certification on Geothermal operation supervisor or “Pengawas Operasional Panas
Bumi Pertama (POP)” from EBTKE would be an advantage
A minimum of 10 years’ experience in the design of geothermal wells and supervision of geothermal drilling, with the proven ability to anticipate and troubleshoot unplanned events
Have capability of leading evaluation and assessment of drilling options and well selection including drilling market survey
Assessment and report of drilling design, or planning of geothermal wells
Supervision of geothermal drilling, with the proven ability to anticipate and troubleshoot unplanned events
Technical writing document and report for drilling program and completion reports
10. Senior Facility Engineer (Project)
At least Bachelor degree or Master degree in Civil Engineering
A minimum of 10 years’ experience in the design and construction of roads, platforms and other infrastructure
A minimum of 5 years’ experience in design, tendering and construction geothermal drilling infrastructure projects.
Fluent in Bahasa Indonesia and English, both written and speaking
11. Senior Project Control (Project)
At least a Bachelor degree in Engineering
Having 10+ years’ experience as project coordinator or project Control role
Experience of working in EPC company
Fluent in Bahasa Indonesia and English, both written and spoken.
12. HC/GA Staff (Project)
S1 degree in Business Management, Law, Psychology Degree or other relevant field
At least 2 years experience working as HC/GA staff
Having knowledge and skills on building management, experience in government regulation and land acquisition would be desirable.
Fluent in Bahasa Indonesia and English, both written and spoken
13. Legal Staff (Project)
Minimum S1 degree in Law Degree
At least 2 years’ experience working as legal staff
Having knowledge and skills on drafting contract, and related legal documents especially for drilling contract
Fluent in English, both written and spoken
Mohon CV yang dikirim sesuai dengan requirement yang tertulis lengkap dengan dokumen terkaitnya di kirim ke email :
[email protected], atau [email protected] (kita sedang transisi dari supraco.com ke supraco.net)