Lowongan Kerja PT Persero Batam

Jakarta, KabarBerita.id — Posisi: 1. Risk Management Manager (Code: RMM)


Requirements :


Minimum Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting/ Finance

Experience minimum 3 years

Have Certification related to Risk Management

Master ISO 31000

2. Supervisor Accounting (Code: Supervisor Accounting)


Requirements :


Male/Female, max age 30 years

Minimum education D3 Accounting

Minimum 3 years experience

Master the accounting cycle and understand accounting and finance as well as consolidated reports

Having Brevet A and B certificates is preferred

Having experience using ERP systems especially ODOO is preferred

Have good skills and analysis, as well as data processing skills

Can work and coordinate a team and have a commitment to work targets.

3. Kepala Satuan Pengawas Intern (Kode: KSPI)


Menyiapkan, menformulasikan serta mengkoodinir penyusunan program kerja pengawasan tahunan (PKPT) pada semua aspek perusahaan di seluruh jajaran organisasi.


Kualifikasi :


Pendidikan Minimal S1 Akuntansi

Pengalaman Auditor 3 Tahun

Memiliki Sertifikasi Auditor

Memiliki Sertifikat audit investigatif

Send your updated CV to:


[email protected] | Subject: KSPI – Name


Semua proses Rekrutmen dan Penempatan calon tenaga kerja (pelamar) TIDAK DIPUNGUT BIAYA APAPUN).

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